Parkwood Parkwood
Mental Health
Parkwood Special Care Facility

Parkwood Special Care Facility

St. Joseph’s Health System|London, Ontario
This hospital is part of the reconfiguration of the Provision of Mental Health Services in the Province of Ontario. This facility resolved the challenge of how to provide a new facility that is free standing and yet integrated with an existing hospital complex. It is designed to accommodate 50% expansion in beds, and clinical and support space. The hospital embodies the house, neighborhood, downtown treatment concept first advanced at the Rochester Psychiatric Center, yet is a unique response to the program and the site.
Project Type:
Mental Health
Patient privacy and some measure of normalcy are achieved by residential unit designs that are experientially small — 67 beds — while operational efficiency is obtained by grouping beds into 24-bed supervisory and administrative clusters. All patient bedrooms either face conservation land to the north or landscaped interior courtyards. We were subsequently engaged to develop detailed Master Plans for site and schematic design.