Samaritan Village

Assortment of a+ Projects
We converted an office building into a new dialysis center. The Center provides state-of-the-art dialysis treatment in a unique setting designed for patient and family comfort. It features an inviting lobby with warm colors, attractive art and a large fish tank. A centralized clinical hub with abundant skylights provides natural lighting. Trellised ceilings bring in… Read more >
architecture+ is on the team selected to develop programs, schematic designs, and output specifications guiding the development of a 500-bed replacement hospital on the Royal Jubilee Hospital Campus. We are serving as the specialist for psychiatric inpatient programming and design as well as the advisor on evidence-based design for all elements of the project. Subconsultant… Read more >
The Hudson River Psychiatric Center (HRPC) selected architecture+ to design a 6,000 square foot program addition to compliment the renovation of their 150-bed inpatient hospital. The addition houses classrooms, a multifunctional room, a teaching kitchen, and a large gathering space. The addition was designed to be a fun, yet calming, environment where clients receive treatment… Read more >
The Community Residence program of the Rockland Hospital Guild provides a residential setting for mentally ill clients to transition from institutional to independent living. The existing program was housed in outdated facilities on a psychiatric campus. The new facility contains three residential buildings. Where clients live will depend on their individual abilities. There are two… Read more >
Consideration was given to creating flexible space that can be reprogrammed to reflect alternate building use in the future. This was done so successfully that nearly half of the project has since been converted into high-security forensic beds at a cost of less than $100,000 per bed. architecture+ has been working for DASNY on the… Read more >
architecture+ provided planning and design services for this new 140-bed psychiatric hospital. The facility includes 40 forensic beds as well as adult inpatient psychiatric and psycho-geriatric care. Various support service spaces, including a courtroom, will be contained within the new construction. Initially, the client (Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Health) favored the renovation of an… Read more >
architecture+ provided advisory services from pre-design through construction for the renovation of two floors of Seattle Children’s Hospital to create three psychiatric units on the two upper floors of an existing five story building in Seattle. We worked with the client and the prime architect to assess existing conditions using our database of comparable facilities… Read more >