North Dakota State Hospital

North Dakota HHS|Jamestown, ND
The North Dakota State Hospital (NDSH) replacement project, is the result of efforts from NDSH and North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services leadership, as well as the design team, Owner’s rep, and construction teams. Our united goal was to provide exceptional patient care, working diligently to establish project goals and scope, increase operational efficiencies, and provide a comprehensive design solution and plan. Throughout the process, NDSH leadership, staff, and community members were invited to interact with the design and decision-making teams, share their knowledge, and consider goals, priorities, spaces, and solutions through a forward-thinking lens – working together to devise a clear design vision for the future of the North Dakota State Hospital. To determine the best solution, the team explored and developed multiple building, programming, and concept site options, each vetted through the criteria of feasibility, cost, efficiency, and alignment with guiding principles and design goals. After careful examination of all options, the new North Dakota State Hospital facility is planned to feature 125 Inpatient Beds consisting of: 50 Adult Inpatient Beds: 25 Geriatric and 25 Forensic 25 Admissions Inpatient Beds, 40 SOTEP Treatment Beds In addition to the Beds, the facility will provide a variety of therapy, clinical, and assessment spaces for patient care, as well as hospital administration and facility management spaces. The new facility will utilize a modernized environment of care organized along a House-Neighborhood-Downtown model, featuring efficient circulation and off-stage staff/service/material circulation for delivering those services. The new facility will be situated on a site west of the existing NDSH and JRCC campus.
Project Type:
Mental Health