Sarasota Sarasota
Mental Health
Behavioral Health Pavilion, Sarasota Memorial Hospital

Behavioral Health Pavilion, Sarasota Memorial Hospital

Sarasota Memorial Hospital |Sarasota, Florida
architecture+ provided programming and conceptual design for a new 95,000 square foot Behavioral Health Pavilion for Sarasota Memorial Hospital with related outpatient services. We analyzed multiple sites and square footage requirements in relation to the clients’ strategic imperatives. We considered two- and three-story configurations with multiple potential connections to the existing hospital building. architecture+ prepared cost projections for 56 bed, 82 bed, and 86 bed options.
Project Type:
Mental Health
The planned facility, a single pavilion, will include adult, acute, geriatric, and child and adolescent beds and offer adjunctive therapies, assessment services, and ECT. The outpatient program space includes an intensive outpatient treatment clinic, ECT, and reception, resources, and support spaces.

Subconsultant to Flad Architects