Wheeler Hall is one of the primary academic and laboratory buildings on the SUNY Cobleskill Campus. architecture+ was selected to prepare a program study for Wheeler Hall in the Spring of 2001. The goal was to evaluate existing conditions, laboratory and classroom space needs and requirements, and provide renovation costs analysis. In 2006 we revised… Read more >
Category: Expertise
The Approach
The Approach is a 163-step staircase leading from RPI to the city of Troy. It was completed in 1907 as a memorial to link the campus physically and symbolically with the city. For half a century, this neoclassic structure was used to scale the hill and as a gathering place for photos and ceremonial events…. Read more >
SUNY Conferencing Suite
State/Indian Quad Dining Halls
architecture+ completed the renovation of State and Indian Residence and Dining Hall. Work included upgrades for handicapped accessibility, interior finishes, windows, roofing, plumbing, heating, ventilation, telecommunications, and electrical and fire safety systems including the addition of sprinkler systems. Working in close conjunction with the University at Albany Facilities and Residence Life Departments, we reconfigured and… Read more >