Category: Community
The Approach

The Approach is a 163-step staircase leading from RPI to the city of Troy. It was completed in 1907 as a memorial to link the campus physically and symbolically with the city. For half a century, this neoclassic structure was used to scale the hill and as a gathering place for photos and ceremonial events…. Read more >
Shea Learning Center

Joseph L. Bruno Stadium

Dwight Marvin Library

Bush Memorial Center

Bush Memorial Center, one of the finest examples of the Greek Revival architectural style in the United States, serves as an elegant, formal approach to the historic Russell Sage College campus. It was originally designed in 1836 by James Dakin as the First Presbyterian Church. architecture+ was selected to design the complete interior and exterior… Read more >
Albany Campus Library

Milne Library Interior Renovation

architecture+ was engaged to provide programming, design, and construction administration services for the Partial Renovation of the Milne Library on the SUNY Oneonta Campus. This project was undertaken to enhance core library function spaces while improving the student experience with the addition of new program areas. Program areas introduced into the library included the Academic… Read more >
Viking Child Care Center

Kids Ridge Day Care Center

The Schenectady Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) selected architecture+ to design their new building. The facility serves children with and without disabilities. As a result, the entire facility was designed to be accessible to the handicapped.